Sunday, 26 November 2017

Art With Heart - Network of handmade He.Art

As you know Lights One is about creating links and be together, work together we don't believe in separativism , we believe that we are one , and we want to be it in pratique !!!

This group is for all Heartists that work on intuitive Art. 
Is also to exchange contacts on local worlwide markets and galleries, exchange contacts between artists and grow a network of oppurtunities for all .
Example : imagine that some friend from London want to come to Oporto sell their art. hi will be welcome him or her and gve to him all the tips that he need to know to exibhit is art here.
This is the main goal on this group , together united as one , creating connections in between.
You can also share your heart work here 
Lights One

Here is the link , come !!!

New project : Reflorestation of Mother Earth

Aho to beautiful projects like this one where people are starting to cooperate. This movment born in 2016 with aim to gather family , create a network of colaborative help for our mother Earth , it is time to gather as one in pratique experience . we count untill now with several groups working , on colect seeds, germinate them and plant in private eco places. 

Here is the facebook page and please join in , you are most welcome !!!!

Thursday, 13 July 2017

A Mãe Por todos ! todos pela Mãe !


Monday, 19 June 2017

Reflorestação da Mãe Terra - Unidos ?

Cada vez mais a nossa Mãe Terra, sofre com as consequências de nós humanos, que pelo poder e ambição de mais e mais sem precedentes continuamos a não ter compaixão por o que ha de mais preciosos ao que chama-mos VIDA.
O projecto Lights One criou o ano passado o projecto Reflorestação da Mãe Terra - Apoio á vida na Terra, pretendendo que a familia e os valores voltem a encontrarem-se na unidade que somos ! Tão simples !
Somos UM(A) !!!

Se sentires o chamamento , junta-te , TU fazes parte !
Aqui fica o link :

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

United in babylon Portugal co created by Lights One Family

This year we co create beautifull gatherings in Lisbon, Açores and Porto, we are One !!!
You can visit the page here: